PlantSight Enterprise Help

Defining the Default Property Mapping for All Classes

If the Excel file contains EC class attributes available in different EC classes but they don't match exactly with the EC class property names, then you must add the defaultPropertyData property section in order to customize the attribute mapping.


UserLabel Description Alias Class DRY_WEIGHT Man.
P1.M1.T1-V109 2-way shut-off valve V109 MULTI_WAY_VALVE 42 Siemens
P20.H1.T3-V101 Gate valves V101 GATE_VALVE 30 Bentley
P20.H1.T3-P001 Pump P001 VERTICAL_PUMP 19 Hydroster


  "id": 2,
  "name": "mapping 2",
  "importType": "smartExcel",

  "classKey": "Class",
  "columnHeaderIsPropertyName": true,
  "defaultPropertyData": {
    "mapping": [
        "source": "Man.",
        "target": "NANUFACTURER"
  • The Man. column contains the manufacturer information. It is not equivalent to the "MANUFACTURER EC" class property from the EC schema.
  • "source" is the column name
  • "target" is the property name from the EC class schema. With this you can map custom property names to the EC schema.
  • You can combine the properties given in "defaultPropertyData" with "columnHeaderIsPropertyName". In this example, the defaultPropertyData will be used as a fallback if the "columnHeaderIsPropertyNameproperty" does not exactly match the EC class attribute name.